Group Classes (ATM)

Head rolling side lying

Awareness Through Movement Classes

Group classes focus on exploring simple, mindful movements to increase awareness of how your body works, so you can learn to move more efficiently and comfortably. Feldenkrais is a holistic integration of body and mind. Unique to the Feldenkrais Method of learning is these lessons tie directly into functional movements of daily life, such as walking efficiently, safely lifting objects, and improving one’s posture in sitting or standing.

You can expect a group class to last somewhere between 60 minutes. You might walk, stand, or sit in a chair, although usually, you will lie on the floor in a variety of comfortable positions: either on your back, front, or side. The teacher guides students through a sequence of movements, encouraging them to move with gentle attention within a comfortable range.

You may become aware of unexpected and interesting connections within and between the movements. As you attend to the improving quality of movement, unnecessary muscular tensions throughout the body can reorganize and release. Clients are often amazed at the quick and clear changes that occur through the neuromuscular repatterning that happens in an Awareness Through Movement lesson leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed.


Group Classes are arranged in the 6-week block and payable in advance.

£10 per class  for 1 hour at – Freemantle & Shirley Community Centre, SO15 3HE

Small private group – prices available on request.

Wednesday 7- 8 pm ( online in the comfort of your home)

Thursday 7-8 pm ( In-person)