Feldenkrais Method
I know you are thinking how do you pronounce the name and what is it? It is pronounced FELL- DEN- KRISE
The Feldenkrais Method is a unique way of learning to move better, feel better and live better. It is not about exercise or working harder- it’s about discovering the ability to move easily, comfortably and efficiently. You will explore how the body and mind work through gentle mindful movements to uncover habits that may hold you back. To allow you to rediscover your capacity for comfort and efficient movement.
Imagine feeling lighter, more flexible and free from the tension in your daily life. Whether you want to improve your posture, recover from pain, or feel more connected to your body. Feldenkrais can offer a refreshing, playful way to make positive changes.
No matter your age or fitness level, you will feel relaxed, energised and more confident in your ability to move freely and easily. Feldenkrais will enhance your thinking, emotional state, and problem-solving capabilities.
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984)

A short biography
The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc.,(1904-1984), who synthesized insights from physics, motor development, biomechanics, psychology, and martial arts to develop a powerful, effective, and practical application, that reconnects learning with human health and function.
Dr. Feldenkrais was a distinguished scientist, physicist, and engineer. He earned his Doctorate of Science in Physics from the Sorbonne. He was a close associate of Nobel Prize Laureate Frederic Joliot-Curie at the Curie Institute in Paris, where they conducted research together. He was also a respected Judo instructor and author of many books on the subject. Living in England in 1940‚ Feldenkrais found himself unable to walk after suffering a serious injury. He began an intense exploration into the relationship between bodily movement, healing, feeling, thinking, and learning. As a result, he restored his ability to walk and made revolutionary discoveries, culminating in the development of the method that now bears his name.
His insights contributed to the development of the new field of somatic education and continue to influence disciplines such as the arts, education, psychology, child development, physical and occupational therapy, sports enhancement, and gerontology.
There are two formats to the work: